If you have no idea what your PC's specs are, hit the START button, choose RUN and type "DXDIAG"
Let me know what processor you have, how much RAM and the next page should show you what video card you have - share that too if you can.
If your desktop is some sort of name-brand thing, it might have a model number easily visible - that might also help me look up what your specs are.
When I know what you have, I'll tell you what upgrades are cheapest + best. If not, I'll suggest the least expensive upgrades possible for you...
With a budget of even a 200-300, I can tell you what'll perform best!
(What can I say - it's my personal aspie obsession. Happy to help!)
If you want equality you have to *show* equality!
Source: http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt213540.html
staten island chuck dr jekyll and mr hyde edwin jackson punksatony phil 2012 groundhog day groundhog phil pee wee herman
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